Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm a gadget freak!

Ok... I don't think that you'll be surprised by the subject above after reading my previous post. Check it out below if you haven't! :) Today, Apple has announced the new iPhone 5 which I think will grace our shores at the end of the year. I'm not keen on getting an iPhone simply because of the battery life. I've never bought an iPhone for this reason. I'll use my phone for one purpose only which is to communicate. For me, that means, making calls, receiving calls, sending or receiving SMS (text messages) and maybe the occasional photo snap here and there. So, I don't use too much of the functions in an iPhone because I have an iPod touch that works the same way as an iPhone. I would surf, listen to music, read and send emails, watch YouTube, play Tiny Tower (tee hee... :D), etc on it. Hence, I don't drain the battery of my phone. Now, if the battery is always draining, I'll just simply buy a new battery rather than change to a new phone! I like to use my phone until its beyond repair. :) I've had the same phone for the last almost 3 or 4 years now. I can't even remember when I bought it! That's how long its been! :D I don't need to change to a new phone whenever a new model comes out. 

With that being said, I'm going to contradict myself now. Just for the iPod touch. Now, this morning, I was moaning, why didn't Apple release a new iPod touch. Its been so long. 

Lo and behold, the new iPod touch 5 is OUT!!! ARGGHHHHH!!!!! I love the iPod touch very much and new one looks amazing! Plus, its available in a multitude of colours! Arghhh!!!!!! There's blue, black, white, coral and yellow (which is such an odd colour!). OMG!!! This I need to get!!! Amazing features! Read all about the features here. Here's how it looks like. Its longer. Similar length to the iPhone 5. Going to give a similar one for hubby too so that he doesn't feel left out. Plus, his old iPod touch's battery is draining from so much usage! Yes, we are an avid iPod touch user! I like the coral colour! The white makes me swoon a little bit but I think the blue coloured one will win, for sure! I have to save money! Saving up for the 64GB. However, even with the 32GB that I have, I don't even use half of the memory! Hmm... this I have to contemplate when the time comes. It'll set me back almost RM1600 for the 64GB! Now, this is worth every ringgit to me compared to the iPad. Mainly because its small which makes it easier to bring around. It can fit into your pocket! I have a laptop. Hence, why I still cannot find the need to buy an iPad. However, the Kindle is a necessity! Hehehe... No internet surfing with the Kindle. Just for reading books. Ok2. Now, I have to do the math. If I save about RM200/month, I would then be able to purchase 2 of it in Jan, 2014. Eeekkk... still a long time to go! Its ok. Its teaching me to be patient. Good things comes to those who waits! No, I'm not going to purchase it using the ZERO interest monthly payment scheme. I have too many loans on my hands and I don't intend to create more. Must be patient. Mind must be at peace. Avoid thinking about it for a year. 

So, that's all the gadgets I'll be getting this year or next year or 2014. I do have some big plans for 2013. Hence, I really need to make sure that I don't spend every single cent that I earn. :) 

So, what gadget do you intend to get next year? :) 

Image courtesy of Apple Inc. It's making me swoon just looking at it! :D


  1. great info! i want to get iphone but i need my blackberry... i dont like having 2 hp... so i think ipod would be nice! its looks like iphone 4! awesome!

    1. yes! it works just as well as an iPhone, sabrina. so, there's no need for another phone. plus, you are not draining the phone battery too much. that's what i do. much easier to manage. no need to think about buying another sim card and no telecommunication company will benefit from the iPod purchase which is a major plus! :D
